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Digital Marketing Secrets

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Why Are You Still Buying Digital Marketing Courses, Learned Everything and Still Not Making Money Online?



Closed Captions or Video Transcripts at below:


What's the REAL KNOWLEDGES that

Internet Guru Doesn't Disclosed to You?

📌 What to do?  📌 How to do it? 📌 Why doing it that way? 📌 When is the timing to do it?
📌 Which are myths and Which are real methods?
📌 And more...

Let's analyse further...

digital marketing internet marketing

Type #1 GURUs

Most GURUs tell you on what to do...

These Gurus will explain the big plan but never go into details for each. For example, they will say you need to build a website, find traffics and make profit. They will bombard you with tonnes of proofs and testimonials. They will never tell you the procedures for all steps unless you pay for their courses. They make money by selling courses to you.

Type #2 GURUs

Some GURUs guide you on how to do...

These Gurus will tell you on each to do tasks. But still the same, they will never tell you the detail steps for each tasks. For example, they will say you need to buy a domain, sign-up web hosting, setup system, build webpages and find traffics. They will recommend links to perform those tasks. Most of the time, these links are their affiliate links, which can generate commission for them once you purchased. It’s still the similar scenario, they teach you methods, but didn’t teach you on how to make profit. They make money in 2 ways, affiliate commissions and selling more methods to you.

Type #3 GURUs

Few GURUs will show you on why need to do it that way...

These Gurus will guide you with all the steps require to get your online business up and running. They educate you with free trainings for each tasks needed to be done. Now, how they make money? Well, they could be guiding you to use some tools or services, which may profit them some commission. Or they could be indirectly training you to sell their own products or services. They make money by training everyone to be their sales generator, by replicating the same single strategy. This scenario is better because they teach you to make profit, but didn’t teach you on how to run it as own business.

Type #4 GURUs

But almost no GURUs will disclose to you on their big blue plan...

They will not let you know on the theories behind of each strategies used in the plan. They will never let you know which formulas to use, and when is the appropriate timing to use it. 

For example, they will not teach you on topics such as: 
🙅 When should use Search Engine Ads instead of Social Media Ads?
🙅 How to effectively trigger buying emotions?
🙅 What strategy is suitable for which situation?
🙅 What are the scripts can be used for which funnel steps?

Type #5 GURUs

Real GURUs are the one who will educate you on all related things that he knew...

They will invite you to join and grow together as teammates, and further to expand the business as associate partners.

“Great leaders are those who train business leaders as a team.”

How the Internet Marketers Sell Products or Services Online, and Earns Passively from Everyone, using Evergreen Secret Principles

Hi & Welcome, My name is Jonathan.

I call myself as the MIB Chef, not the MIB as “Men in Black”. 
My MIB stands for Massive Internet Business.
I’m a Curious Adventurer who loves to discover the concepts & strategies behind well-known BEST GURUs of the industry.

I started Digital Marketing Analyzation since the era of
Armand Morin (Big Seminar)
Alex Mandossian (Teleseminar Secrets)
Joel Comm (Elevate Blueprint)
Jeff Walker (Product Launch Formula)
Mike Filsaime (Butterfly Marketing)
Mark Joyner (Simpleology)
Joe Vitale (The Attractor Factor)
Jimmy Brown (Rapid Fire Residual)
Frank Kern (Mass Control)
John Reese (Traffic Secret)
Ryan Deiss (The Digital Marketer)
Russell Brunson (DotCom Secret)
Anik Singal (PPC Classroom)


It is great if you know those names, but it’s ok if you haven’t heard those names before, because I have been in the industry for a long time. If you feel excited when hearing those names, then you are a curious persistent adventurer, same as I am.

I enjoy investigating on the combination of formulas being used in digital marketing strategies. I always believe that each formula has its own benefits and own weaknesses. Empowering use of formula’s benefits and overcome its weaknesses is the smart solution. Good combination of formulas will create good strategies. Best implementation of strategies will born a long-term marketing plan for a successful business.

Certain methods could only last in a short period of time and some could last a longer time. So, my target is always on summarising core principles, and finding evergreen methods which are really works for online business in long-run. I keep improving myself with latest trends movement of the industry on everyday. Once found a suitable, I will modify the models, and blends it with my current plan to create another milestone for the business. It’s a fact that, you need to be open-minded to accept for improvements, or else you will be the next to be kicked out as history.


Nobody Is Perfect.

I were just a common person like every beginners experienced. When I first started Digital Marketing, which was also popularly mentioned as Internet Marketing, I thought it was very easy as per my first Guru said, “Do this, this, this, and tell the internet about it, then you will get profit when people buy it”. 

That’s a simple truth, but not the actual experiences for real world. There are tonnes of similar myths over the internet during that time and even now too. They sell with big dreams and supports it with wonderful lifestyles then tell you that you can achieve it if you follow their foot steps. Yes, some can achieve it, but it is only minority of the minority. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m in the majority, the failure side. Then the Guru will sell me with another new technique, and ask me to buy another products and repeat their foot steps again. This is the cycle of the whole process.

After some time, I realised that, I’m not actually earning money but spending money on buying from the Guru again and again. I’m in great disappointment on these internet profits mindset. But this doesn’t stop me from moving forward. Because I knew that, the Guru did really make some money online, at least from followers like me. I do not want to be the same as those Gurus because I know the hurts and disappointment of the experiences. I realised that I wanted to have that type of impact on people, but in a better correct way. I set aside my disappointment, decide to overcome my fear, refreshed my origin passion and continued to protect my believes.

Along the journey, I am more firmed on my vision because, I got to know real people in real world earning real money via internet. I want to gather a group of like-minded people, who believes on internet income, who do not easily give up on findings the workable methods, to grow together as a team and smartly implement it as strategies for own long-run business. Therefore, I developed this MIB Chef platform, to share on the real core methods and especially share on those evergreen strategies from my researches.

Which Secret Principles, Formulas and Scripts Offers that are Evergreen and Works in Past, Present and Future?

As you had knew, MIB stands for “Massive Internet Business”.

But you could be asking, Why MIB Chef?


For me, I am highly agreed on the journey to become an excellent chef. Everyone can learn cooking. To become a chef, you need to have deep understanding on the core, ability to control on best timing, and smartly modify improve as own signature. 

The pathway of every chef is always the same. Firstly study on cooking recipes and imagine the final delicious. Then learn about the culinary tools and plan the kitchenware to use. Follow by trying to understand each food ingredients. And finally starts cooking by the instructions. The only differentiate between a bad cook and a good chef is, their understanding levels on the usages of each ingredients in each steps, and the ability to control each of the steps at the correct timing. A magical chef is the one who can create good combinations of nutritional mixtures, plus attractive visuals, plus tempting smells, plus surprising tastes, plus enjoyments to repeat. These successful chefs practiced infinitely at their best without giving up, and avoid every possible minor mistakes that could possibly spoiling the final dishes. This is the attitude, endurance and willpower in respects.


As per ZigZiglar quotes
Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street”. 

The Word of the day is - 
F.O.C.U.S - (Follow One Course Until Success).

More good dishes will come along the way to make it a fine cuisine, but everything starts with one by one. This should be the vision roadmap for every MIB Chef.

I had invested time on findings, researches and tests before summarising my analysations. You may, and may not heard on some of the materials that I had found. For example: 

  • 💡 U.S.P 💡 SWOT 💡 C.L.V versus C.A.C 💡 Razor and Blade
  • 💡 Value Ladder 💡 Pre-Frame Bridge 💡 FoMo 💡 Hybrid Funnels
  • 💡 VLMS 💡 Webinar Scripts 💡 Proximity Power 
  • 💡 Breakthrough Advertising 💡 Predictable Irrational
  • 💡 Direct Marketing 💡Backlink SEO 💡 Social Monitoring
  • 💡 Influence Psychology 💡 Epiphany Bridge 
  • 💡 and more...

Even though I have massive experiences on Internet Marketing for a long time, but I do not have all the answers. I’m just sharing on my discoveries and showing the gems of ultimate truth, on the evergreen digital marketing strategies for online businesses. I do not want to be the only spotlight on sharing these important secrets. I believe everyone have their journey experiences and own treasures. Sharing is powerful, but Team makes it to the last. The mission of each MIB Chef is to help each other by uncovering more discoveries of core strategies for internet income successes. 

The Gurus will surely hate us for disclosing their tricks and pushing them to a tougher challenges.

I chose my standpoint and I would like to invite you to join. 

As I could think of, you could be any of the below 3 roles in MIB

👍👍👍 The Adventurers (Master), who will aggressively helping each other by sharing of good experiences and form as strong powerful core army.

👍👍 The Entrepreneurs (Chef), who will learn from the analysations shared and make good use implementation for their own success. 

👍 The Public (Cook), who will have clearer understanding and become smarter on each buying considerations. 

Please note that, we welcome builders with good encouragement for a healthy sharing environment and we blacklist the destroyers who abuse the good environment.

Once again, I would like to invite you to get on board with us. Fill in your name and email address and I will send you on my discoveries on tomorrow onwards.

You have zero risk and I will not spam you because I hate spams too. I just want your simple commitment in exchange, by entering your contacts and follow along. Later, I will also include you into our Community Site upon qualified.


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Who Else WANT to KNOW on
What's the REAL KNOWLEDGES that Internet GURUs Doesn't Disclosed to You?

Some sneak peeks for you on what will be the upcoming. All the contents are well-structured accordingly to knowledges pathway. I will provide it in sequences as follows: 

🍽 Understand Cookbooks 📌 (differentiate between the core truths and myths)

🍽 Visualise the Final Food 📌 (setting correct mindsets)

🍽 Plan the Delicious 📌 (support with facts and analysis)

🍽 The Tools and Kitchenware 📌 (understand principles and best fit softwares)

🍽 Preparing Ingredients 📌 (utilising scripts and methods)

🍽 Cooking the Food 📌 (strategies implementation)

🍽 Food Decoration 📌 (designing structural system)

🍽 Time to Eat 📌 (launch and generate traffics)

🍽 Getting Feedbacks 📌 (review traffic conversion)

🍽 Further Self Improvements 📌 (more resources and mastermind groups)

You will receive emails for the above topics on every few days once. This is to ensure that you will have sufficient time to learn on the basics, fully understand the topics, and not lost in anyway. Knowledges come in sequential manner. Tasks will make you to understand it better. Challenges will make you complete on mastering it and become independently equipped for future self evolutions.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be a great”.

For now, the most important thing is,
you have to be ready for the informative with an open-mind on learning.

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— Digital Marketing Secrets — MIB Chef — Massive Internet Business —